Sílvia is the most well known of the team as she is the main interviewer and the driving force behind Easy Catalan. She edits the videos with Joan, is in charge of social media and project-manages the group. Sílvia’s passion is her job: teaching. She teaches private German classes.
Sílvia has hosted 147 Episodes.
2: Fem-la petar!
25 March 2021 | 39 mins 37 secs
Xerrem sobre els avantatges i els inconvenients de la vida al camp i la vida a la ciutat.
1: Posem fil a l'agulla
11 March 2021 | 33 mins 49 secs
En aquest episodi entrevistem la cara més visible d'Easy Catalan: la Sílvia!
24 February 2021 | 6 mins 11 secs